Some people see the Ark as an ugly creation of steel and rivets from a factory in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in the late 90’s. Those people are fools. We think the original design of our 1998 Bluebird Mini Bird is pure genius. It looks like nothing else on the road that was manufactured in the last 40 years, yet it has all the safety & design features of a modern heavy-duty vehicle built on a stable P30 chassis. When we installed the current interior during the Phase II construction our goal was to imitate art and maintain the “function over fashion” mantra that the exterior and build of our bus clearly has. Of course, that didn’t stop us from using quality hardwoods and top-notch veneers for our predominantly Birch and Mahogany surfaces. All of the modified cabinetry is oak and the interior is built as much like a tank as the exterior. Lastly, we attempted to build our furniture & surfaces using as few cuts as possible to make each surface appear bigger & bolder.